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Monday, July 2, 2012

Barbie Girl Makeup Tutorial


Barbie Girl Tutorial ♥

Well heres anouther tutorial for you guys! And you can always visit me on my suite UKA312 theres a link to my suite on the frount page :) Ooookkkkaaayyy, Lets get started shall we?

What you will require :D

Pink eyeshaddow, I perfer the new pink luxie, The one with the hearts on it because instead of a sparkle theres a heart sparkle :)

White luxie eye shaddow or white eyeshaddow it depends if you want a sparkle look :)

Black eye shaddow, I dont like the black luxie eyeshaddow because that will sorta ruin the hearts :P

White kohl
black kohl
Pink kohl

Pink luxie lippie (lipstick :)
Luxie Lip clear lip gloss

Legthening and voluming mascara :)

Pink blush
Red blush
nude brush

Blonde hair dye, I reckomend it :) Usually barbie has blonde hair
& If you wish, Pink hair highlites :D What ever floats your boat :)


Okay, Its the usual smudge look with the eye shaddow, BUT FIRST WERE going to be doing the kohl firstly :)

Line a small amount of black kohl around the edge, but not to much this look isnt surrposed to have black in it but it makes it look my smudgey :) So like i said around the corner of the eye but not too much :)

NEXT Take your pink kohl and line the middle of your eye under aswell

After that Take your white hohl and line the rest of the eye.

Just put the eyeshaddow on top of the colours of the kohl, Lightly overlapping the black with the pink, The white overlapping a little bit of the pink this makes the smudge effect :)


The blush makes barbie look like Barbie, So you need to put the pink blush on the cheeks, and put a tiny bit of red blush over it, Then not touching any of the pink or red blush put the nude next to the red & pink blush :)


And your done! Enjoy & Goodluck!

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