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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

How To Make A Stardoll Makeup Smudge Look


Hey! Its Uka312 here! Giving you anouther Makup tutorial!(Sorry if the pics blury!)

So this look here is going to tell you how to make a smudge look on Stardoll! Im going to go ahead now ;)Sorry i havent been on for a few days!

What you will require:

Black and White kohl

Black eye shaddow (Great for the smokey eye!)

The colour you will want for the middle part!I perfer a softer colour to blend in with the white part :D 

White Eye shaddow


Firstly, You will want to outline half way of your eye with black kohl

Secondly, You will outline a little bit of the middle section the colour of the middle! Be sure to do this if you want it to blend!

Thirdly, Take your white kohl and line the rest of the eye making sure that you still have your middle colour!

Next, You'll take the black eyeshaddow, And put it where you have lined the eye with black kohl

After that, you put the special colour where you have lined the special kohl on the eye (lol im running out of cool words XD)ITS SPECIAL! MAKE IT!!!

Well after that again, You put the white eye shaddow where you have lined the white kohl, Just overlapping the special colour only a little! And there you have a smudge!

So enjoy and goodluck! I may post a new Tutorial for those hippies...XD sorry hippies ;) I ment rainbow hippie eyes ;)Thanks for reading!

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