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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

How To Make A Stardoll Makeup Smudge Look


Hey! Its Uka312 here! Giving you anouther Makup tutorial!(Sorry if the pics blury!)

So this look here is going to tell you how to make a smudge look on Stardoll! Im going to go ahead now ;)Sorry i havent been on for a few days!

What you will require:

Black and White kohl

Black eye shaddow (Great for the smokey eye!)

The colour you will want for the middle part!I perfer a softer colour to blend in with the white part :D 

White Eye shaddow


Firstly, You will want to outline half way of your eye with black kohl

Secondly, You will outline a little bit of the middle section the colour of the middle! Be sure to do this if you want it to blend!

Thirdly, Take your white kohl and line the rest of the eye making sure that you still have your middle colour!

Next, You'll take the black eyeshaddow, And put it where you have lined the eye with black kohl

After that, you put the special colour where you have lined the special kohl on the eye (lol im running out of cool words XD)ITS SPECIAL! MAKE IT!!!

Well after that again, You put the white eye shaddow where you have lined the white kohl, Just overlapping the special colour only a little! And there you have a smudge!

So enjoy and goodluck! I may post a new Tutorial for those hippies...XD sorry hippies ;) I ment rainbow hippie eyes ;)Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


I recently started designing on Stardoll, and i'm really proud of what iv'e done.
I just want to get people to see them and maybe buy them? Well it's ok I sell abouot 10-20 a day :) o i'm ok. But I just wanted to post some of my designs, it's really the thing I do most on Stardoll:)

Here are some of my designs:

Sunday, June 24, 2012


What I have done so far 6/24/12
CORE 16/16  =32SP
SOCIAL 16/19 =178SP
DESIGN 7/12  =122SP
SELL 7/9  =78SP
COLLECT  5/5  =44SP

competitions = 10/10 250SP

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Smokey Eyes Tutorial!


Smokey Eyes Tutorial ♥

What you will require:
Black eyeshaddow
White eyeshaddow
black kohl
White kohl
Nude Lipstick
Luxie lip gloss
Lightish brown blush
Light Pink blush
(Optinal) Black Hair Dye
Voluming mascara
Lengthening mascara

This is About the kohl (Verry important

Apply the black kohl around the eye but stop half way.
Apply The white kohl and start where you have stoped with the black kohl. The Kohl will give your eyes a little bit more sparkle :D

This is the Eyeshaddow bit (MOST IMPORTANT!!!)

Apply the Black eyeshaddow along the black kohl line you have made (Not to much becuase this is whats making the smokey effect!)  After that put the white eyeshaddow a bit on the black (ONLY A LITTLE!) This is whats making the smudge effect (Apart of the smokey eye is the smudge)

Always put on your regular masscaras! Voluming & Lengthening!

Blush is optional but not too much!

Thank you for reading this and i hope you have a great time with my tutorials! You can add me on my stardoll account Uka312!



I am going to try to complete every single achievement!(Not counting Competitions)
All 61 achievements! Also, in Social there are some where you must log in for 100-365days in a row, which may take a while lol.
Sections to finish:
CORE 16/16
SOCIAL 13/19
SELL 4/9

New Antidote!

New antidote!
Here are some pictures of the clothes I like from the new Antidote (circled in yellow), i'm not really impressed though. Some items are really out there, but personally i'm not a fan of pop out colors and bright prints. I think it's a theme with Area 51?(Las Vegas alien theme) -To those who are not familiar with American states. It's kind of summery but at the same time it has that runway unique look. I'm also surprised that they did not include and interior suite designs, in which I would have probably have purchased. 
(I bought 3 Items from the new Antidote.)

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Pick Of The Day!

Pick of the Day

Hey guys! Its uka312 here! What do you think of these shoes? Well ill tell you a bit about them ;) 

Well, There the pick of the day! There also from the new tribute that you've probably read, The post by Leb_queen246! Welcome the Nicholas Kirkwood Tribute! He has some fabulous clothes in stock but only for the time being that these gorgeous shoes and plenty others! 

So please reply to this post telling us you opinion about these gorgeous shoes! & if you dont notice, there are pony tails on them XD   

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Makeup Tutorial :D

Ocean Eyes
By Uka312


                                                                  What you will need :

                                                                   Newest aqua eye shaddow (Or Shaddow Stick)
                                                                     Either luxie or normal white eye shadow
                                                                    Newest Aqua Kohl (Perfered the lighter Kohl)
                                                                      White Kohl (Older Kohl)
                                                                      Old light brown blush
                                                                       Old light pink blush (OPTINAL)
                                                                      What to do:
                                                                      Firstly, Put the aqua kohl on the Right side of the the
                                                                      eye ,  Put the white kohl on where you have stopped,
                                                                       (Everyone does it for a lighter look)

                                                                      Secondly, Put the aqua Eyeshaddow stick where you have
                                                                       marked your eye with the aqua kohl, Make sure the kohl
                                                                       Is round! And then you will put some of the white luxie
                                                                     on the start of the aqua it just makes a little type of
                                                                        smudge if you want a blended look :D
                                                                           And with you usual, Voluming and lengthening 
                                                                            mascarra Or it wont look good from a long distence
                                                                       And with some finishing touches, Blonde hair dye :D

                                                                       ENJOY :D This is my first post :D                                  

Monday, June 18, 2012

Coming soon...?

Stardoll gave out a message that said "Coming soon" with all sorts of trophies. I noticed that it has many questionable trophies. A mirror, game controller, a key,a cupcake, a lighting bolt, a throne of some sort,a shooting star, a ring, a shoe, the effiel tower, a diamond, a present,a camera, a hanger, a house, and a graduation cap. Does this mean there's going to be even more competition for different kinds of trophies? Or are they just displaying these and only putting out a few? Stardoll has been said to be making three big changes to the site, and hopefully they will be wonderfull. We will find out soon!

New in Glamour!

Prices range from:

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Stardoll New Features: Level up

What I think?:
I personally like it better because it gives me more of an "on-hands" approach to the game. Like how many more starpoints I need till the next level. It sort of gives me an idea on what I need to do to increase my SP. To increase on a level is so rewarding due to the SP hair,furniture items, and SP level title on your medoll mini-profile. I think part of the reason of why I like the new idea is because one day I have 3,745SP, and I was just waiting and waiting to get the 4,000SP hair (which is level 46) and the next day Stardoll was updated to levels and I was put to level 46 and I was able to get the hair iv'e always wanted.(: One tip to increase your SP level, do the SC crap(x It increases it with every thing you do.

Stardesign Hair

My Opinion:

I find Stardesign hair to be a great relief to those who make wigs our of jewelry from Stardesign Jewelry. I have tried many times to make a wig realistic and creative, but it is so difficult to replicate something so soft and delicate such as hair. I really do look up to those who are extraordinary wig makers. Since Stardesign hair has come along, less wigs have been sold and more Hair designs are being made. I don't blame those who prefer stardesign hair than wigs, the hair has a much more realistic touch to it, which makes your medoll look more alive. You can also replicate Starpoint hairstyles with this terrific addition to Stardoll. Although making a hairstyle requires great concentration and a lot of hard work. With every "Stardesign" comes a contest, in which many users would love to get first place in for the trophy. 

~Realistic appealing.

~Ability to position hair behind medoll.

~Terrific appearance

More Pictures:

Monday, June 11, 2012

How to get Covergirl!

How to get Covergirl!
Here's what I think you should do:
Ever wondered " How do I get Covergirl?
Have you tried broadcasting for hours and nothing happens?
Advertising on Guestbooks, even though the person gets upset about advertising?
      You can try this,
Every day do your starcoins to get money.
Broadcast 20 times.
Rate 20 albums.
and advertise yourself in 20 guestbooks.

This is to try and get people to know you, so you can become more popular
and get visitors without having to broadcast.

Try to make amazing designs or wigs.
Become friends with those who are known around stardoll.
Make a club and try to get 1,000 members or more...
 Make your suite unlike anyone else's!
Try to be original and unique.
Because that will get you far in Stardoll and in life.

After a few months of doing this run all day for Covergirl.
Advertise on maybe 50 guestbooks, rate 50 albums, and make 1,000 or more broadcasts.
Remember make a good reputation because there's always somebody watching.

That is my tip on how to get Covergirl and to get famous on Stardoll.
~But remember Covergirl isn't the one thing you should think about in your life.(:
