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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Makeup Tutorial :D

Ocean Eyes
By Uka312


                                                                  What you will need :

                                                                   Newest aqua eye shaddow (Or Shaddow Stick)
                                                                     Either luxie or normal white eye shadow
                                                                    Newest Aqua Kohl (Perfered the lighter Kohl)
                                                                      White Kohl (Older Kohl)
                                                                      Old light brown blush
                                                                       Old light pink blush (OPTINAL)
                                                                      What to do:
                                                                      Firstly, Put the aqua kohl on the Right side of the the
                                                                      eye ,  Put the white kohl on where you have stopped,
                                                                       (Everyone does it for a lighter look)

                                                                      Secondly, Put the aqua Eyeshaddow stick where you have
                                                                       marked your eye with the aqua kohl, Make sure the kohl
                                                                       Is round! And then you will put some of the white luxie
                                                                     on the start of the aqua it just makes a little type of
                                                                        smudge if you want a blended look :D
                                                                           And with you usual, Voluming and lengthening 
                                                                            mascarra Or it wont look good from a long distence
                                                                       And with some finishing touches, Blonde hair dye :D

                                                                       ENJOY :D This is my first post :D                                  

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