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Saturday, June 23, 2012

Smokey Eyes Tutorial!


Smokey Eyes Tutorial ♥

What you will require:
Black eyeshaddow
White eyeshaddow
black kohl
White kohl
Nude Lipstick
Luxie lip gloss
Lightish brown blush
Light Pink blush
(Optinal) Black Hair Dye
Voluming mascara
Lengthening mascara

This is About the kohl (Verry important

Apply the black kohl around the eye but stop half way.
Apply The white kohl and start where you have stoped with the black kohl. The Kohl will give your eyes a little bit more sparkle :D

This is the Eyeshaddow bit (MOST IMPORTANT!!!)

Apply the Black eyeshaddow along the black kohl line you have made (Not to much becuase this is whats making the smokey effect!)  After that put the white eyeshaddow a bit on the black (ONLY A LITTLE!) This is whats making the smudge effect (Apart of the smokey eye is the smudge)

Always put on your regular masscaras! Voluming & Lengthening!

Blush is optional but not too much!

Thank you for reading this and i hope you have a great time with my tutorials! You can add me on my stardoll account Uka312!

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