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Monday, June 11, 2012

How to get Covergirl!

How to get Covergirl!
Here's what I think you should do:
Ever wondered " How do I get Covergirl?
Have you tried broadcasting for hours and nothing happens?
Advertising on Guestbooks, even though the person gets upset about advertising?
      You can try this,
Every day do your starcoins to get money.
Broadcast 20 times.
Rate 20 albums.
and advertise yourself in 20 guestbooks.

This is to try and get people to know you, so you can become more popular
and get visitors without having to broadcast.

Try to make amazing designs or wigs.
Become friends with those who are known around stardoll.
Make a club and try to get 1,000 members or more...
 Make your suite unlike anyone else's!
Try to be original and unique.
Because that will get you far in Stardoll and in life.

After a few months of doing this run all day for Covergirl.
Advertise on maybe 50 guestbooks, rate 50 albums, and make 1,000 or more broadcasts.
Remember make a good reputation because there's always somebody watching.

That is my tip on how to get Covergirl and to get famous on Stardoll.
~But remember Covergirl isn't the one thing you should think about in your life.(:

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